Thursday, April 29, 2010

First "Hobbit" film on track for 2012 release

"The Hobbit" is coming to theaters sooner than you think, but later than you initially thought.

The Hollywood Reporter
April 28th, 2010

Warner Bros. is scheduling Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro's two-part adaptation of "The Hobbit" for December 2012 and December 2013.

Confusion over release dates surfaced Wednesday when Imax announced an overall, 20-film, three-year deal with Warners. In outlining which films would be included, Imax incorrectly indicated 2013 as the release date for the first "Hobbit" movie.

But 2013 is two years later than the 2011 release date that New Line and MGM targeted for the first installment when the two companies originally announced the movies in December 2007.

However, 2011 proved not to be a realistic date and instead served more as a guideline, according to insiders, because when it was first announced, no scripts were written, nor schedules or budgets drawn up.

While the project is taking a bit longer than the filmmakers anticipated, it is now on track for 2012 -- rather than the 2013 date mentioned in the Imax release.

The second movie's script was turned in to the studio a couple of weeks ago.

Warners moved quickly to set the calendar straight in the wake of the Imax release, and by midday, the giant-screen-format company said it was going to send out a correction, officially making 2012 the new date for the first "Hobbit" movie.

Journal Response 1

We now live in an era in which its possible to view a major Hollywood film at home on or before the day it opens. This is, of course, illegal. Yet, high-quality copies of every major film currently playing in theatres exist and are easily available via bootlegged DVDs or filesharing programs.

As a consequence, these practices have radically altered, not only the American box office, but audiences' viewing habits. Untold millions of dollars have been lost at a time when more and more people are beginning to prefer watching first-run movies on their computers. All the way, they are aided by technology that makes it ever easier to illegally obtain films.

Pirating has nearly brought down the recording industry, is Hollywood next? What should studios do about it? Is the genie out of the bottle, so to speak? Is there any going back? And as an audience member, what is gained and what is lost by viewing first-run films outside of a theatre? Have these practices changes how you view films? What are your thoughts on illegally downloading films?

Due: Monday, May 3rd.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 13: Gay Film

Don't give me that tone!

What tone?

That sarcastic contemptuous tone that means
you know everything because you're a man,
and I know nothing because I'm a woman.

You're not a woman.

Oh, you bastard!

—Natahn Lane as Albert and Robin Williams as Armand in
The Birdcage (Nichols, 1996 USA)

M 4.26/W 4.28: Gay Cinema
In-class: “History of Gay Cinema, Pt. I”
Screening: The Talented Mr. Ripley (Minghella, 1999 USA)


M 5.3/W 5.5: Gay Cinema
In-class: “History of Gay Cinema, Pt. II”
Screening: Transamerica (Tucker, 2005 USA)
Due: Journal Response 1